Extremes of events with heavy-tailed inter-arrival times

Peter Straka (

27 November 2017


In the statistical physics literature, heavy-tailed inter-arrival times are said to be the main signature of bburstyb dynamics. Such dynamics have been observed for financial time series, earthquakes, solar flares and neuron voltage spikes. This talk is concerned with the modelling of extremes of events when events follow such bursty dynamics. We assign i.i.d. magnitudes (marks) to the events in a heavy-tailed renewal process and apply the bPeaks Over Thresholdb method from Extreme Value Theory. Leveraging geometric stability, it can be shown that the threshold exceedance times asymptotically form a bfractional Poisson processb with Mittag-Leffler inter-arrival times. Finally, we discuss methods for inference on the tail and scale parameters of the bursty dynamics.


  1. Empirical Evidence for heavy-tailed renewal processes
  2. Probability model: Continuous Time Random Maxima
  3. Inference

1 Empirical Evidence

Vajna, S., TC3th, B., & KertC)sz, J. (2013). Modelling bursty time series. New Journal of Physics, 15(10), 103023.

Earthquakes, Neurons, Phone calls

Karsai, M., Kaski, K., BarabC!si, A. L., & KertC)sz, J. (2012). Universal features of correlated bursty behaviour. Scientific Reports, 2.

Heavy-tailed renewal processes model intermittency


Power law inter-arrival times in the literature


  • Resnick and Starica (1995): quiet periods between transmissions for a networked computer terminal, \(\beta \approx 0.6\)
  • Mainardi et al. (2000): waiting times between trades of bond futures, \(\beta \approx 0.95\)
  • BarabC!si (2005): \(\beta \approx 1\) for waiting time between emails, and for waiting time for a reply
  • Berhondo et al. (2006): \(1 < \beta < 2\), for waiting times between coronal mass ejections (solar flares)
  • Brockmann et al. (2006): \(\beta \approx 1.05\), waiting times for paper currency to travel beyond the limits of a metropolitan area. They also report a power law distribution in the ensuing travel distance
  • Cheng et al. (1995): \(\beta \approx 1.6\) in the waiting time between earthquakes, and a similar value for waiting time between bstarquakesb in neutron stars
  • Lavergnat and GolC) (1998): \(\beta \approx 0.68\), waiting time between large raindrops
  • Smethurst and Williams (2001): \(\beta \approx 1.4\), waiting times for a doctor appointment
  • Sabatelli et al. (2002): \(\beta \approx 0.4\), for 19th century Irish stock prices, and \(\beta \approx 1.87\) for the modern Japanese Yen currencymarket.

Testing the renewal assumption: ACF


But: for renewal processes with \(1 < \beta < 2\) (finite mean, infinite variance) the ACF decays with exponent \(2-\beta\).

Quick fix: log-transform the waiting times.

Testing the renewal assumption: event trains

Train of events given a time window \(\Delta t\):

a sequence of consecutive events where all inter-arrival times are \(< \Delta t\).

  • Plot the distribution of train lengths \(E(\Delta t)\) for varying \(\Delta t\),
  • Reshuffle the inter-event times and plot again (bNull-distributionb)

If the two plots are visually different, renewal assumption is false.

(Karsai et al 2012, Universal features of correlated bursty behaviour, Scientific Reports)

Renewal assumption bOKb

Renewal assumption bnot OKb

Waiting time b Magnitude pairs

Clustering coefficients for a growing network, where nodes are preferentially attached to nodes with large clustering coefficients.
Bagrow, J. P., & Brockmann, D. (2013). Natural emergence of clusters and bursts in network evolution. Physical Review X, 3(2), 1b6.

Waiting time b Magnitude pairs

Waiting time Magnitude
Server requests filesize
Earthquakes magnitudes
Email sent email replied
Solar flares magnitudes
Time between rest for paper currency distance travelled
Time between raindrops raindrop size
Time between price jumps price jumps

Research Question

How does one model magnitude and timing of extreme events, if the underlying dynamics are a heavy-tailed renewal process?

Example: Earthquakes in Coral Sea



2 Probability model: Continuous Time Random Maxima

  • Shock process literature
  • Scaling limits of CTRM (Continuous Time Random Maxima)
  • Hitting times of CTRM limits

CTRM / Shock Process

  • i.i.d. r.v. \(J_k > 0\): bmagnitudesb, bshocksb
  • i.i.d. r.v. \(W_k > 0\): times (bwaiting timesb) between shocks.

Consider the uncoupled case: \(\{W_k\}\) and \(\{J_k\}\) are independent.

What is the distribution of

  • the largest magnitude at time \(t\)?
  • the time until the first magnitude exceeds \(\ell\)?

Largest magnitude at time t = CTRM

Renewal Process

\[N(t) = \{ n\ge 0: W_1 + \ldots + W_n \le t \}\]

counts events up to time \(t\).

CTRM Process:

\[M(t)=\bigvee_{k=1}^{N(t)}J_k=\max\{J_1, \ldots,J_{N(t)}\}\]

Time until first magnitude exceeds a threshold

First magnitude above a threshold \(\ell\) is:

\[\tau(\ell) = \min\{k: J_k > \ell\}\]

Exceedance Process:

\[T(\ell) = \sum_{k=1}^{\tau(\ell)} W_k\]

We have \(T(\ell) > t \Leftrightarrow M(t) \le \ell\).

(CTRM and Exceedance Time are inverse to each other.)

Results for finite mean waiting times

  • Laplace transforms of exceedance time \(T(\ell)\) (Shantikumar & Sumita b83, b84)
  • Asymptotic results for exceedance time:
    Let \(p_\ell := \mathbf P(J_k > \ell)\), i.e. \(p_\ell \downarrow 0 \Leftrightarrow \ell \uparrow x_R\). Then

\[p_\ell T(\ell) \stackrel{d}{\to} {\rm Exp}(\mu_W)\]

\[p_\ell^2 {\rm Var} T(\ell) \to \mu_W^2\]

where \(\mu_W = \mathbf E[W_k]\) (e.g.B Gut b99).

  • Mixed shock models: failure at sums of shocks or one large shock (Gut b01).

Results for infinite mean waiting times

Theorem (K. Anderson, b87):
  • Let \(a_n\) and \(b_n\) be such that \(F_J(a_n x + b_n)^n \to \Lambda(x)\) for all \(x\)

  • Let \(g(t) = t / [\Gamma(2-\alpha) \int_0^t (1-F_W(u))\,du]\).

Then the CTRM process \(M(t)\) satisfies

\[\lim_{t\to \infty} \mathbf P\left[M(t) \le a_{[g(t)]} x + b_{[g(t)]}\right] = E_\beta(\log \Lambda(x))\]

where \(\beta \in (0,1]\) is the tail index of \(W_k\) and \(E_\beta(\cdot)\) is the Mittag-Leffler function (more later).

Functional limit of CTRM (infinite mean waiting times)

As \(n \to \infty\), assume there are increasing norming functions \(a\), \(d\) and \(b\) such that

  • \(\bigvee_{k=1}^n [J_k - d(n)] / a(n) \stackrel{d}{\to} \mathsf A\)
  • \(\sum_{k=1}^n W_k / b(n) \stackrel{d}{\to} \mathsf D\)

Then as \(c \to \infty\),

\[\frac{M(ct) - d(\tilde b(c))}{a(\tilde b(c))} \Rightarrow A(E(t))\]

More approaches on CTRM limits

Other approaches:

  • Poisson Point processes (Pancheva et al, b09; Basrak & E poljariD, b14)
  • time-changed Extremal process (Silvestrov & Teugels, b04; Pancheva et al, b06, b07)
  • Max-sum stability of bivariate distributions in the coupled case (Scheffler & Hees, b15, b16)

These models have been studied thoroughlyb& but how do you fit them to data?

3 Inference via POT method (Peaks over Threshold)


Define the Exceedance as

\[X(\ell) = M(T_\ell) - \ell.\]

In the uncoupled case, it follows easily that Exceedance \(X(\ell)\) and Exceedance Time \(T(\ell)\) are independent.

Theorem (POT, e.g.B Leadbetter et al.):

Asymptotically for large \(\ell\), \(X_\ell\) follows a generalized Pareto distribution:

\[X_\ell \sim GP(\xi, \bar \sigma)\]

POT method for magnitudes

For threshold \(\ell\) in \(\{J_{(1)} > J_{(2)} > \ldots > J_{(n)}\}\):

  • extract number of exceedances \(k\).
  • extract exceedances \(X(\ell)\)
  • fit \({\rm GP}\) distribution to the \(X(\ell)\)

Then plot parameters estimates \(\hat \xi, \hat \sigma\) against \(k\).

Example: earthquake magnitudes shape parameterb&

b& and scale parameter: GPscale

By inspection, pick \(\hat \xi = -0.1\), \(\hat \sigma = 0.6\).

Bias-variance trade-off:

Small \(k\): few data (high variance) but asymptotically close to GP distribution (low bias)

High \(k\): many data (low variance) but asymptotically far away from GP distribution (high bias)

POT method for Exceedance Times

For threshold \(\ell\) in \(\{J_{(1)} > J_{(2)} > \ldots > J_{(n)}\}\):

  • extract number of exceedances \(k\).
  • extract exceedance times \(T(\ell)\)
  • fit a distribution to the \(T(\ell)\)

Then plot the parameters of this distribution against \(k\).

But what is the distribution of \(T(\ell)\)??

Mittag-Leffler Function


\[E_\beta(z) = \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{z^k}{\Gamma(1+\beta k)}\]

where \(0 < \beta \le 1\).

\(E_\beta(z)\) nests the exponential function: \(E_1(z) = e^z\).

For \(\beta < 1\), \(E_\beta(-z^\beta)\) is \(\rm{RV}_\infty(-\beta)\).

Mittag-Leffler-1 Distribution


A r.v. \(T_\beta\) is Mittag-Leffler-1 distributed with tail parameter \(\beta \in (0,1]\) if

\[\mathbf P(T > t) = E_\beta(-t^\beta), \quad t > 0.\]

  • Laplace transform: \[\int_0^\infty e^{-st} \mathbf P(T \in dt) = \frac{1}{1+s^\beta}\]
  • geometrically stable
  • very heavy-tailed (infinite mean), but: \(T \stackrel{d}{\to} {\rm Exp(1)}\) as \(\beta \uparrow 1\)
  • Introduce the scale parameter \(\sigma > 0\) via \(\sigma T \sim \rm{ML}(\beta,\sigma)\)

Mittag-Leffler-2 Distribution


A r.v. \(T_\beta\) is Mittag-Leffler-2 distributed with parameter \(\beta \in (0,1]\) if

\[\int_0^\infty e^{-st} \mathbf P(T \in dt) = E_\beta(-s).\]

We write \(\sigma T_\beta \sim {\rm ML2}(\beta, \sigma)\) for \(\sigma > 0\).

  • all moments are finite.

Geometric stable distributions


A random variable \(Y\) is geometric stable if and only if its characteristic function is

\[\psi(t) = \frac{1}{1 + \sigma^\alpha |t|^\alpha \omega_{\alpha, \beta}(t) - i\mu t}\]

where for \(\alpha \neq 1\)

\[\omega_{\alpha, \beta}(t)= \begin{cases} 1 - i\beta {\rm sign}(t) \tan(\pi \alpha / 2), & \alpha \neq 1 \\ 1 + i\beta(2/\pi) {\rm sign}(t) \log|t|, & \alpha = 1 \end{cases}\]

Write \(Y \sim {\rm GS}(\alpha, \beta, \sigma, \mu)\); (stability, skewness, scale, location).

(Parametrization by Samorodnitsky & Taqqu, see Kozubowski & Rachev, 1999)


A r.v. \(Y\) on \(\mathbb R\) is GS (geometric stable) if for \(N_p \sim {\rm Geom}(p)\) there exist i.i.d. \(X_1, X_2, \ldots\), independent of \(N_p\), a norming sequence \(A_p\) and centering constants \(b_p\) such that

\[A_p \sum_{k=1}^{N_p} (X_k + b_p) \stackrel{d}{\to} Y \text{ as } p \downarrow 0.\]

Then \(X_1\) is weakly geometrically attracted to \(Y\), and the collection of such \(X_k\) is called the generalized domain of geometric attraction (GDOGA) of \(Y\).

Proposition (Gnedenko 1972):

Let \(\beta \in (0,1]\). Then \(X \in \text{GDOGA}({\rm ML(\beta,1)})\) if and only if

\[1 - F_X(t) \in {\rm RV}_\infty(-\beta)\]

Exceedance Time = geometric sum


  • \(M(t)\) is CTRM process, and
  • \(T(\ell) = \inf\{t: M(t) > \ell\}\) is exceedance time.
  • Moreover, \(N_{p_\ell} := \min\{k: J_k > \ell\}\) is geometric, independent of \(W_k\), and

    \[T(\ell) = \sum_{k=1}^{N_{p_\ell}} W_k.\]

Scaling limit theorem for Exceedance Time


Suppose the magnitudes \(J_k\) are supported on the interval \([x_L, x_R]\).

Suppose that \(\mathbf P(W_k > t) = L(t) t^{-\beta}\) for some slowly varying function \(L(t)\) and \(\beta \in (0,1)\).

Let \(\ell \in [x_L, x_R]\) be a threshold, and write \(p_\ell = 1 - F_J(\ell)\) for the probability that a magnitude exceeds threshold \(\ell\).

Then for some \(\sigma > 0\),

\[p_\ell^{1/\beta} T(\ell) \stackrel{d}{\to} {\rm ML}(\beta, \sigma), \quad \ell \uparrow x_R\]

Side note

Gnedenko (1972) predates the Shock-process literature (1988+); Yet geometric stability does not appear in the Shock process literature.

It took the end of the Cold War and the invention of the internet to put the two things together!


For large thresholds \(\ell\), we may approximate

\[T(\ell) \approx {\rm ML}(\beta, \sigma p_\ell^{-1/\beta}).\]

Bias-variance trade-off:

Small k: few data (high variance) but many geometric summands, hence asymptotically close to M-L distribution (low bias)

High k: many data (low variance) but few geometric summands, hence far away from GP distribution (high bias)

Two-stage estimator for \(\beta\) and \(\sigma\)


  1. Let \(p_\ell \approx |\{k: J_k > \ell\}| / n.\)
  2. For various thresholds \(\ell \in [x_L, x_R]\), fit an ML1 distribution to \(\{T_i(\ell)\}\) and get \[\{\hat \beta(\ell)\}_\ell, \{\hat \sigma(\ell)\}_\ell\]
  3. Plot \(\hat \beta(\ell)\) vs. \(\ell\), and pick \(\hat \beta\) where stable.
  4. Plot \(p_\ell^{1/ \hat \beta} \hat \sigma(\ell)\), and pick \(\hat \sigma\) where stable.

Stability plot for M-L tail parameter

Stability plot for M-L scale parameter

Mittag-Leffler estimation via log-moments

Let \(T \sim ML(\beta, \sigma)\).

  • The Mittag-Leffler distribution has no moments if \(\beta \in (0,1)\); but the first two centered moments of its logarithmic transform are finite: \(\newcommand{\ex}{\mathbf E}\) \[\mu_{\log T} = \ex[\log T] = \log(\sigma) - \gamma, \quad \sigma_{\log T} = Var[\log T] = \frac{\pi^2}{6} \left( \frac{2}{\beta^2} - 1 \right)\]
  • Find parameters \(\hat \beta\) and \(\hat \sigma_T\) for which the first two centered moments match their empirical counterparts \[\hat \mu_{\log T} = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{j=1}^n \log(T_j), \quad \hat \sigma_{\log T} = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{j=1}^n (\log(T_j) - \hat \mu_{\log T})^2\]

(Cahoy et al b10)

ML-estimation via maximum-likelihood

Recent algorithm (Garrappa, 2015) calculates Mittag-Leffler Function by inversion of Laplace transform.

The MittagLeffleR package (Gill & Straka, 2017) implements this algorithm and calculates pdf, cdf and random variates for both types of Mittag-Leffler distributions.

But this is more costly than method of log-moments.

The case 1 < beta < 2

Suppose now that \(\mathbf P(W_k > t) = L(t) t^{-\beta}\), where \(1 < \beta < 2\) and \(L(t)\) is a slowly varying function.

Convergence to bhomogeneousb dynamics takes very long:

\[\mathbf E[N(t)] \approx \frac{t}{\mathbf E[W_1]} + \frac{C}{\mathbf E[W_1]^3} t^{2-\beta}, \quad \text{large } t\]

Exceedance times

If the tail parameter satisfies \(1<\beta<2\), then \(\mathbf E[W_1] < \infty\), and in the limit as \(\ell \uparrow x_R\),

\[p_\ell T(\ell) = p_\ell \sum_{k=1}^{N_{p_\ell}} W_k \to {\rm Exp}(\mu_W).\]

Hence we bcouldb approximate

\[T(\ell) \sim {\rm Exp}(\mu_W/p_\ell)\]

But we expect this convergence to be very slow, as seen in previous slide!

Second order the approximation

\[ \begin{multline} \sum_{k=1}^{N_{p_\ell}} W_k = \sum_{k=1}^{N_{p_\ell}} (W_k - \mu_W) + N_{p_\ell} \mu_W \\ = p_\ell^{-1/\beta} p_\ell^{1/\beta} \sum_{k=1}^{N_{p_\ell}} (W_k - \mu_W) + p_\ell^{-1}p_\ell N_{p_\ell} \mu_W \approx p_\ell^{-1/\beta} \sigma Z^{1/\beta} X + p_\ell^{-1} \mu_W Z \end{multline} \]

where \(Z \sim {\rm Exp}(1)\) and \(X \sim S(\beta, 1, 1, 0)\). The latter r.v. is geometric stable (Kozubowski & Rachev, 1999), and so:

\[T(\ell) = \sum_{k=1}^{N_{p_\ell}} W_k \approx {\rm GS}(\beta, 1, \sigma p_\ell^{-1/\beta}, p_\ell^{-1} \mu_W) \text{ for large } \ell. \]

Proposed estimator

  1. For varying thresholds \(\ell \in [x_L, x_R]\), extract i.i.d. \(\{T_i(\ell)\}\).
  2. For every \(\ell\), fit a \({\rm GS}(\beta, 1, \sigma, \mu)\). This yields \(\{\hat \beta(\ell)\}_\ell\), \(\{\hat \sigma(\ell)\}_\ell\) and \(\{\hat \mu(\ell)\}_\ell\).
  3. Plot \(\ell\) vs. [\(\hat \beta(\ell)\) and \(p_\ell \hat \mu(\ell)\)], and choose \(\hat \beta\) and \(\hat \mu\) where stable
  4. Plot \(\ell\) vs. \(p^{1/\beta} \hat \sigma(\ell)\) and choose \(\hat \sigma\) where stable.

Available estimators for \({\rm GS}\) distributions:

  • fitting the characteristic function (Kozubowski 1999)
  • ABC (approximate Bayesian computation, work in progress).

4 Further avenues of research

  • tempered heavy-tails

  • coupled CTRMs

Tempered heavy-tailed distributions


Many datasets from finance (CGMY), geology and hydrology display tempered heavy tails:

  • Power-law scaling on small time scales
  • linear scaling on large time scales

This is modelled with one extra parameter by the tempered stable distribution

\[f_{\beta, \lambda}(x) = e^{-\lambda x + \lambda^\beta} f_\beta(x)\]

(where \(f_\beta(x)\) denotes the stable distribution.)

How to do inference for CTRMs with tempered heavy-tailed waiting times?

Coupled waiting times and magnitudes

How to model coupled CTRMs?

Theoretical results are available on

  • max-sum stability & infinite divisibility
  • Laplace transforms of CTRM and of exceedance times


Thank you for your attention!


  1. Gill, G., & Straka, P. (2017). MittagLeffleR: Using the Mittag-Leffler distributions in R. Retrieved from

  2. Meerschaert, M. M., & Stoev, S. A. (2008). Extremal limit theorems for observations separated by random power law waiting times. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 139(7), 2175b2188.

  3. Karsai, M., Kaski, K., BarabC!si, A. L., & KertC)sz, J. (2012). Universal features of correlated bursty behaviour. Scientific Reports, 2.

  4. Meerschaert, M. M., & Straka, P. (2013). Inverse Stable Subordinators. Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 8(2), 1b16.

  5. Cahoy, D. O. (2013). Estimation of Mittag-Leffler Parameters. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 42(2), 303b315.

More on the coupled case

Coupled i.i.d. pairs

\(\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb R}\)

Assume the i.i.d. pairs \((J_k, W_k)\) are drawn from a bivariate distribution \(\mu\) on \(\R \times (0,\infty)\);

but \(J_k\) and \(W_k\) may be dependent.

How does one model and estimate Exceedance Times \(T_\ell\) and Exceedance Sizes \(X_\ell\)?

Max-Sum-Domain of Attraction

The bivariate random vector \((J_k, W_k)\) lies in the Max-Sum-Domain of Attraction of the bivariate random vector \((A,D)\) if

\[ \left(\frac{\bigvee_{k=1}^n J_k - d_n}{a_n} , \frac{\sum_{k=1}^n W_k}{b_n} \right) \Longrightarrow \left( A , D \right) \quad n \to \infty \]

for some norming functions \(a(n), d(n)\) and \(b(n)\).

Max-Sum Stability

Theorem(Hees & Scheffler b16):

Let \((A,D)\) be a bivariate random vector. The following are equivalent:

  1. For i.i.d. copies of \((A,D)\), one has \[(A_1 \vee \ldots \vee A_n, D_1 + \ldots + D_n) \stackrel{d}{=} (a_n A, b_n D)\]

  2. \((A,D)\) is the weak limit of a sequence as above.

If the above are satisfied, \((A,D)\) is called Max-Sum-Stable.

Harmonic Analysis

\(\newcommand{\plx}{\stackrel{+}{\vee}}\) Let \(S := \R \times [0,\infty]\). Consider the semigroup \((S, \plx)\) with neutral element \(e = (-\infty,0)\), defined via: \((a,b) \plx (c,d) := (a \vee c, b + d)\).

A semicharacter is a function \(\rho: S \to \R\) with the properties i) \(\rho(e) = 1\) and ii) \(\rho(s \plx t) = \rho(s) \rho(t)\). Write \(\hat{\mathbf S}\) for the set of semicharacters on \((S, \plx)\); \(\hat{\mathbf S}\) is a topological semigroup.

The generalized Laplace transform of a measure \(\mu\) on \(\hat{\mathbf S}\) is given by

\[\varphi(s) = \int_{\hat{\mathbf S}} \rho(s)\,d\mu(\rho), \quad s \in S.\]

Harmonic Analysis applied to Sums and Maxs

Here, the semicharacters are \(\rho_{x,t} = e^{-t \cdot} \mathbf 1_{[-\infty, \cdot]}(x)\), and \(\hat{\mathbf S}\) is isomorphic to \(S\). This defines the CDF-Laplace Transform

\[\varphi(y,s) = \int_{\R \times [0,\infty)} e^{-st} \mathbf 1_{[-\infty, y]}(x)\,\mu(dt,dx)\]

Uniqueness and continuity theorems hold in the same fashion as for the usual Laplace transform (Hees & Scheffler b16).

Levy-Khintchine Theorem

The semigroup \((S, \plx)\) defines a convolution:

\[P_{(J_1,W_1)} \star P_{(J_2,W_2)} := P_{(J_1,W_1) \plx (J_2, W_2)}\]

A probability measure \(\mu\) on \(S\) is Max-Sum-Infinitely Divisible iff for every \(n\) there is a measure \(\mu_n\) such that \[\mu = \mu_n \star \ldots \star \mu_n\] (\(n\) times).

Levy-Khintchine Theorem


\(\mu\) is Max-Sum-Infinitely Divisible iff its CDF-Laplace Transform has the representation

\[ -\log(\phi(y,s)) = as + \iint\limits_{\R \times [0,\infty)} \left(1 - e^{-st} \mathbf 1_{[-\infty, y]}(x)\right) \eta(dx, dt) \]

for some Radon measure \(\eta\) on \(\R \times [0,\infty)\) such that \(\eta(\{(0,-\infty)\}) = 0\) and \(a \ge 0\) (Hees & Scheffler b16).

Characterization of Max-Sum-Stable distributions


The following are equivalent:

  1. \((J_k,W_k)\) lie in Sum-Max-Domain of Attraction of \((A,D)\), i.e. \((A,D)\) is Max-Sum-Stable
  1. There exist sequences \(a_n\) and \(b_n\) such that \(n \cdot P_{(J_k/a_n, W_k/b_n)} \stackrel{vaguely}{\longrightarrow} \eta\), the Levy measure of \((A,D)\).

Characterization of Max-Sum-Stable distributions


In the above situation, the Levy measure has the representation

\[\eta(dx,dt) = \epsilon_0(dx) C \beta x^{-1-\alpha} dx \\ + \mathbf 1_{\R \times [0,\infty)}(x,t) (t^{\beta/\alpha} \omega) (dx) K \beta t^{-1-\beta}\]

(Hees & Scheffler b16)

Open Problems to consider

Coupled case: Max-Sum-Stable distributions have GEV resp. stable marginals.

  • Is there a good test for independence of their marginals? (Rejection = evidence for coupled model).
  • How is the dependence Copula of the marginals related to the Levy measure \(\eta\)?

More on the scaling limits of CTRMs

Bursty signatures of inv. stable subordinator \(E(t)\)

Events bhappenb at the points of increase of \(E(t)\): \(\mathcal R = \{D(r): r \ge 0\}\) of \(E(t)\).

  • Conditional on \(t \ge 0\) being a point of increase, any interval \((t, t+ \epsilon)\) almost surely contains uncountably many other points of \(\mathcal R\)
  • \(\mathcal R\) has Lebesgue measure \(0\), and hence \(E(t)\) is constant at any brandomlyb chosen time \(t\) (Bertoin b99)

This means intermittent periods of high activity, alternating with periods of rest, i.e.B bursts.

Further properties: - \(\mathcal R\) is a fractal of dimension \(\beta\) - Self similarity: \(E(c \cdot) \stackrel{d}{=} c^\beta E(\cdot)\)

Max-domain of attraction

\(\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb R} \newcommand{\ms}{\mathsf}\) Let \(J_k\) be i.i.d. with continuous distribution in \(\R\). Then there exist functions \(a(n)\) and \(d(n)\) such that for every \(x \in \R\)

\[\frac{\bigvee_{k=1}^n J_k - d(n)}{a(n)} \Rightarrow \ms A, \quad (n \to \infty)\]

(weak convergence) where \(\ms A\) is a r.v. with GEV (generalized extreme value) distribution with CDF \(\Lambda_\xi(x)\) given by

\[-\log \Lambda_\xi(x) = \begin{cases} (1+\xi x)^{-1/\xi}, & \xi \neq 0 \\ e^{-x}, & \xi = 0 \end{cases}\]

with support \(\{x \in \R: 1 + \xi x > 0\}\).
(Beirlant et al, 2006, Statistics of extremes)

Functional limit of Maximum Process

Let \(a(n)\) and \(b(n)\) be as above. Then

\[\frac{\bigvee_{k=1}^{[ct]} J_k - d(c)}{a(c)} \Rightarrow A(t), \quad (c \to \infty)\]

holds (weakly, \(J_1\) topology), where \(A(t)\) is an extreme value process given via

\[\mathbf P[A(t_i) \le x_i, i=1\ldots, d] = \Lambda_\xi(x_1)^{t_1} \Lambda_\xi(x_2)^{t_2 - t_1} \cdots \Lambda_\xi(x_d)^{t_d - t_{d-1}}\]

for ordered \(x_1 < x_2 < \ldots < x_d\).
(Lamperti b64; Resnick b75)

Recall the definition of the CTRM process \(M(t) = \bigvee_{k=1}^{N(t)} J_k\).
Hence we need a functional scaling limit of \(N(t)\).

Renewal process scaling limit: FINITE mean



Renewal process scaling limit: INFINITE mean



Scaling limit of waiting times

Donsker-type functional limit theorem (e.g.B Whitt 2010, Meerschaert & Sikorskii 2011):

Suppose that \(W_i\) are i.i.d. and \(\mathbf P(W_n>t) \sim ct^{-\beta}\) for \(t \to \infty\), where \(c>0\) and \(0<\beta<1\).


\[(W_1 + \ldots + W_{[ct]}) / b(c) \Rightarrow D(t), \quad c \to \infty\]

for a regularly varying norming sequence \(b(n) \in RV(1/\beta)\). The limit process \(D(t)\) is a stable subordinator (one-sided, stable Levy process).

Scaling limit of renewal process

Let \(W_i\) be i.i.d. and heavy-tailed as above, and

\[N(t) = \min\{n: W_1 + \ldots + W_n > t\} - 1\]


\[N(ct) / \tilde b(c) \Rightarrow E(t)\]

where \(E(t) = \inf\{r: D(r) > t\}\) is the inverse stable subordinator (Meerschaert & Straka, b13).

Here the norming sequence \(\tilde b(c) \in RV(\beta)\) is asymptotically inverse to \(b(c)\) (Seneta, b76), i.e.

\[\tilde b(b(c)) \sim c \sim b(\tilde b(c))\]