17 Jul 2023 - 21 Jul 2023
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Peter Bouwknegt (Australian National University)
Anand Deopurkar (Australian National University)
Johanna Knapp (The University of Melbourne)
Paul Norbury (The University of Melbourne)
Program Description:
The MATRIX program will gather leading experts in problems inspired by string theory in algebraic geometry such as mirror symmetry, one of the most important and influential phenomena in mathematics and mathematical physics. The topics of the program will include Calabi-Yau threefolds (de la Ossa, Candelas, Grimm, McOrist), enumerative invariants (Gukov, Kool, Maulik), the moduli space of curves and in particular FJRW theory and the mirror dual Landau-Ginzburg models (Knapp, Scheidegger), topological strings (Marino, Bourgine), super geometry (Donagi, Maxwell, Anagnostou) and arithmetic geometry (Kim). Each of these topics is fundamentally related to mirror symmetry which will serve as a common thread between the different topics. We have listed a mix of people with more physics-oriented and mathematics-oriented backgrounds to encourage lively interaction and new understanding between the various viewpoints.
Confirmed Participants:
Xenia de la Ossa (University of Oxford)
Philip Candelas (University of Oxford)
Alexander Alexandrov (IBS Center for Geometry and Physics)
Katherine Maxwell (Kavil IPMU)
Johanna Knapp (University of Melbourne)
Emanuel Scheidegger (Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research)
Ian Le (Australian National University)
Jock McOrist (University of New England)
Gabriele Tartaglino Mazzucchelli (University of Queensland)
Jean-Emile Bourgine (University of Melbourne)
Lukas Anagnostou (University of Melbourne)
Paul Norbury (University of Melbourne)
Peter Bouwknegt (Australian National University)
Thorsten Schimannek (Sorbonne Université)
Qile Chen (Boston College)
Yutaka Matsuo (University of Tokyo )
Jaklyn Crilly (Australian National University)
Bryan (Bai-Ling) Wang (Australian National University)
Brett Parker (Australian National University)
Krzysztof Pilch (University of Southern California)
MATRIX Wine and Cheese Afternoon 18 July 2023
On the first Tuesday of each program, MATRIX provides a pre-dinner wine and cheese afternoon. Produce is locally-sourced to showcase delicacies from the region.