7 Jun 2022
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Event Time:
Tuesday, 7 June @ 1000 (AEST) (Melbourne)
Tuesday, 7 June @ 0800 (CST) (Beijing)
Tuesday, 7 June @ 0530 (IST) (New Delhi)
Tuesday, 7 June @ 0100 (BST) (London)
Monday, 6 June @2000 (EDT) (New York)
Monday, 6 June @ 1700 (PDT) (Los Angeles)
Presenter: Professor Natalie Thamwattana, The University of Newcastle
Prof. Natalie Thamwattana has made pioneering contributions to the fields of granular materials and nanotechnology, and a recipient of the 2014 ANZIAM JH Michell Medal. Natalie is currently Chair of ANZIAM, Co-Director of Mathematics in Industry Study Group (MISG), and a member of the ARC College of Experts.
Biography: The University of Newcastle & Google Scholar
Topic: Reaction-diffusion equations and their modelling applications
Abstract: Reaction-diffusion equations are used to model a vast range of problems in industry, science and engineering. They exhibit a range of complex behaviour, including travelling waves and self-organization. In this presentation, I will discuss the use of reaction-diffusion equations in two problems, which are dye-sensitized solar cells and chemical and biological clogging of granular assembly when treating acidic groundwater.
Additionally, I will talk about some modelling problems from the Mathematics in Industry Study Group (MISG) workshops, which were held at the University of Newcastle from 2020 to 2022.
Structure: 45 minutes seminar with 15 minutes question time
Seminar Recording and Slides:
Please click here for the recording of the seminar
Please click here for the presentation slides