5 May 2025 - 16 May 2025
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Anne Boschman (Monash University, Australia)
Ricardo Ruiz-Baier (Monash University, Australia)
Santiago Badia (Monash University, Australia)
Victor Calo (Curtin University, Australia)
Martina Bukač (University of Notre Dame, USA)
Program Description:
As our understanding of natural and engineering phenomena becomes increasingly complex, the mathematical models required to represent and predict their behaviour also grow more intricate. The design and analysis of numerical methods that handle these complex models in an efficient and robust manner is a paramount task, and many aspects of it still constitute important open problems.
This research program focuses on the mathematical challenges posed by the multiphysics and multiscale nature of such models. By bringing together an international mix of leading experts and emerging researchers in the field of numerical analysis of partial differential equations, the program aims to advance the development of structure-preserving discretisations, efficient solvers, novel mixed and hybrid numerical methods, bulk-surface coupling mechanisms, adaptive strategies and error analysis. These strategies are key to answering application-oriented questions stemming from geophysical flows and biomechanics, where moving domains and interface dynamics play major roles.
This two-week program has been designed with ample room for collaborative work, contributing to the consolidation of linkages between the Australian and international numerical analysis communities. It features seminars by invited experts and provides all participants with the opportunity to present their own research, including any open questions, so that significant research progress can be made and fruitful collaborations can be launched.
Program Structure:
- Deadline: 12 January 2025
- Registration is by invitation only. If you are interested to participate in this program, please contact one of the organisers with your CV and research background.
- Arrival date: 4 May 2025
- Departure date: 16 May 2025
MATRIX Wine and Cheese Afternoon 6 May 2025
On the first Tuesday of each program, MATRIX provides a pre-dinner wine and cheese afternoon. Produce is locally-sourced to showcase delicacies from the region.