15 Apr 2020
8:00 am - 9:00 am
Event Time:
Tuesday, 14 April @ 1500 (Pacific time) (Los Angeles time)
Tuesday, 14 April @ 2300 (GMT) (London time)
Wednesday, 15 April @ 0800 (AEST) (Melbourne time)
Presenter: Professor Terry Tao, UCLA
Terry is a professor of mathematics at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where he holds the James and Carol Collins chair. He was promoted to professor at the age of 24, the youngest person ever to be appointed to that position at UCLA.
He was a recipient of the 2006 Fields Medal and the 2014 Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics. He is also a 2006 MacArthur Fellow.
Terry completed his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Flinders University in Adelaide, South Australia. He completed his PhD at Princeton University in 1996.
(Source: Wikipedia)
Topic: The Collatz Conjecture
Structure: 45 minutes seminar with 15 minutes question time
Seminar Recording & Slides:
Please click here for the recording of the webinar.
Please click here for the presentation slides.