Online Seminar – October 2021 – Professor Lai-Sang Young

David Wood

  • Tuesday
     5 Oct 2021
     10:00 am - 11:00 am

Event Time:
Tuesday, 5 October @ 1000 (AEST) (Melbourne)
Tuesday, 5 October @ 0700 (CST) (Beijing)
Tuesday, 5 October @ 0430 (IST) (New Delhi)
Tuesday, 5 October @ 0000 (BST) (London)
Monday, 4 October @ 1900 (EDT) (New York)
Monday, 4 October @ 1600 (PDT) (Los Angeles)

Presenter: Prof. Lai-Sang Young, New York University

Biography: New York University & Wikipedia

Title: Chaotic and random dynamical systems

Description: In this talk I will compare and contrast chaotic (deterministic) dynamical systems with their stochastic counterparts, i.e. when small random perturbations are added to model uncontrolled fluctuations. Three groups of results, a mixture of old and new, will be discussed. The first has to do with how deterministic systems, when sufficiently chaotic, produce observations that resemble (genuinely random) stochastic processes. Next I will compare the ergodic theories of chaotic systems and of random maps (such as stochastic flows generated by SDEs), my theme being that many results are nicer in the random category. That leads to my final point, which is that in some ways existing theory of chaotic systems requires too detailed information for it to be readily applicable, while a bit of random noise can go a long way.

Structure: 45 minutes seminar with 15 minutes question time

Seminar recording:

Please click here for the recording of the seminar