MATRIX-SMRI- Research Symposium – Guidelines

The institutes MATRIX and SMRI  invite proposals for a joint Research Symposium in a hybrid format (in-person/on-line) in 2021. The joint MATRIX-SMRI Research Symposium will be centred around one distinguished international researcher who will Chair the Symposium, or one key publication for which one of the international authors will be designated Chair.

Please prepare a PDF proposal in the format outlined below and attach/submit here. Applications for this round close on Friday, 18 June 2021.

MATRIX is Australia's residential research institute where mathematical scientists from Australia and around the world can collaborate. MATRIX is a partnership between the Australian National University, Monash University and The University of Melbourne, with The University of Queensland and the ARC Centre of Excellence ACEMS as Associate Members.

SMRI, The University of Sydney Mathematical Research Institute, is supported by generous philanthropic funding which aims to transform Australian research in the mathematical sciences.

The hybrid research symposium will normally run for at least two weeks with face-to-face and online components. The Chair will deliver at least two online lectures coordinated by SMRI in the lead-up to a  central face-to-face intensive research event for up to 20 participants at the MATRIX facilities in Creswick. Local participants may also present seminars during the online lead-up. Those who are not able to travel to MATRIX due to COVID-19 travel restrictions can participate online during this event. During or after the face-to-face event at MATRIX, the Chair will take part in an online discussion session, facilitated by SMRI. Talks given may be recorded via Zoom for viewing by participants.

Should COVID-19 restrictions prohibit face to face meetings then alternative arrangements will be made.

MATRIX-SMRI- Research Symposium Proposal Guidelines

Proposal Format

Event name: 

  • State the title of your event e.g. “MATRIX-SMRI Joint Symposium 2021: TITLE“

Event organisers:

  • A team or organisers should include at least two organisers planning to attend at MATRIX (Creswick, Victoria).
  • Include each organiser’s details (affiliated university and email address).
  • Aim for gender diversity amongst the organising group. Please comment on reasons for any imbalance.
  • Up to 10 publications relevant to the proposal of each of the organisers.

Dates for your event

  • Dates for the event must provide a minimum 2-month lead time prior to the event at the point of submission of your application.

Event description:

(4-6 pages)

A convincing proposal makes a good case for the proposed workshop program. Excellence is one of the main selection criteria.

  • Description of the topic and focus of the workshop.
  • Provide details of speakers and event contributors.
  • Recent results and references.
  • Proposed program of the event. Take into account the different time zones. More technical talks, longer talks, etc. can be recorded via zoom if necessary.
Participant list:
  • List of up to 20 suggested participants at MATRIX and up to 10 online participants during the MATRIX face-to-face component of  the symposium.
  • [Note: If Australian interstate travel restrictions are put in place due to COVID-19 preventing in-person participation in the research symposium at MATRIX (Creswick), then unlimited online participation will be permitted during this component of the symposium].
  • Comment on the balance in this list relative to gender and affiliation.
Event budget:

Consider the factors below when drafting your budget. Limit this section to 350 words.


  • SMRI will provide an honorarium payment of up to $1000 (AUD) per talk or similar event, to an international distinguished Chair. Event organisers should not promise any specific amount until the proposal has been approved.
  • SMRI can provide travel funding of up to $500 (AUD) for each participant who is a University of Sydney staff member, student or affiliate, enabling them to travel to MATRIX. (Note that staff members of other Australian universities can apply to visit SMRI through the SMRI Domestic Visitor Program and thus become eligible for this travel funding during their period of affiliation.)
  • SMRI staff can provide support to online event components, facilitation of zoom meetings, recordings etc.


Creswick (On Campus) Accommodation and Catering (subject to availability)

  • MATRIX will fund on‐site accommodation and catering – continental breakfast (Monday to Sunday) and dinner (Monday to Friday) for 20 participants. If organisers wish to invite more than 20 participants, program organisers will need to arrange funding.


  • MATRIX will provide the cost of one shuttle bus for the day prior to the commencement of the program to collect participants from Ballarat (Train) Station for transfer to the Creswick Campus.
  • MATRIX will provide the cost of one coach on the last day of the program, to transfer participants from the Creswick Campus to Melbourne (Tullamarine) Airport with a final stop at Southern Cross Station (Melbourne CBD).

Family Fund

  • MATRIX offers a Family Fund for those who require family accommodation and/or child care services.  These are assessed on a case-by-case basis. Please note, spouses are not funded by MATRIX.

External Funding

Please include a list of external funding that will be applied for and/or received for this workshop (e.g.: along with a list of the applicants’ name and the approximate amount that will be sponsored.

Research symposium proposals will be reviewed by a MATRIX-SMRI joint committee composed of members of the institutes' respective Scientific Committees. The outcome of your proposal will be communicated to you by MATRIX Office staff following the meeting of the committee.


If you have any questions, please contact the SMRI team via email at  or the MATRIX Office at