Research summary "*" indicates required fields Which program did you attend*Please chooseGeometric Analysis and Symmetries (3-7 Feb 2025)Gradient Flows in Geometry and PDE (20-31 Jan 2025)Probabilistic Models in Evolutionary Biology and Game Theory (6-10 Jan 2025)Harmonic and Microlocal Analysis in Partial Differential Equations PDE (16-20 Dec 2024)Algebraic Geometry (9-13 Dec 2024)Tensor Categories, Quantum Symmetries, and Mathematical PhysicsApplications of Topological Data Analysis to Mathematical BiologyMATRIX-MFO Tandem Workshop: Invariants in Low-Dimensional TopologyParameter Identifiability in Mathematical BiologyThe Geometry of Moduli Spaces in String TheoryMathematical Models for Lipids and Cells in Atherosclerotic PlaquesMultivariate Dependence Modeling: Theory and ApplicationsMathematics and Physics of Integrability (MPI2024)Addressing New Modelling and Data Challenges Revealed by The COVID-19 PandemicLow Dimensional Topology: Invariants of Links, Homology Theories, and ComplexityHarmonic Analytic ConnectionsInstabilities of Flows in Porous MediaMATRIX-RIMS Tandem Workshop: Evolutionary Partial Differential Equations and ApplicationsNijenhuis Geometry and Integrable Systems IIDynamics and ComputationNew Deformations of Quantum Field and Gravity TheoriesElliptic Partial Differential Equations, Geometry, and the Calculus of VariationsDelay Differential Equations and Their ApplicationsExtremal Problems in Graphs, Designs, and GeometriesPhD Student Symposium: Rough Path Theory 2023Workshop on Uniqueness and Discernment in Graph PolynomialsHyperbolic PDEs and Nonlinear Evolution ProblemsSpectrum and Symmetry for Group Actions in Differential Geometry IIAlgebraic Geometry at the interface between Mathematics and PhysicsMonte Carlo Algorithms in Statistical MechanicsMATRIX-IBS Workshop: Structural Graph Theory Downunder IIIMATRIX-RIMS Tandem Workshop: Geometric Analysis in Harmonic Analysis and PDEMATRIX-MFO Tandem Workshop: Stochastic Reinforcement Processes and GraphsDynamics, Foliations, and Geometry IIIComputational Mathematics for High-Dimensional Data in Statistical LearningMinimal surfaces and geometric flows: interaction between the local and the nonlocal worldsThermodynamic Formalism for Random Dynamical SystemsIBS-CGP & MATRIX Workshop on Symplectic TopologyConvexity, Geometry and ComputationMathematics of The Interactions Between Brain Structure and Brain FunctionsMathematics of Risk – 2022MATRIX-RIMS Tandem Workshop: Integrable Probability, Combinatorics and Representation TheoryPhD Student Symposium: Categories and Companions Symposium 2022 (CaCS 2022)Theory and Applications of Stable PolynomialsPhD Student Symposium: Graduate Talks in Geometry and Topology Get-Together, or (GT)^32D Supersymmetric Theories and Related TopicsCell Motility in Dynamic EnvironmentsMathematics of Tissue DynamicsSymmetry for Group Actions in Differential GeometryHyperbolic Differential Equations in Geometry and PhysicsStructural Graph Theory Downunder IIFrontiers in Representation TheoryMATRIX-SMRI Symposium: Nijenhuis Geometry and Integrable SystemsDynamics, Foliations, and Geometry II2D Supersymmetric Theories and Related TopicsMATRIX-SMRI Symposium: Singularities in Geometric Flows: An Ancient PerspectiveQuantum Curves, Integrability and Cluster AlgebrasIsoperimetric Inequalities in Geometric Partial Differential EquationsWomen in Geometry, Analysis and TopologyHarmonic Analysis and Dispersive PDEs: Problems and ProgressEarly Career Researchers Workshop on Geometric Analysis and PDEsTropical Geometry and Mirror SymmetryStatistical Methods in Data ScienceStructural Graph Theory DownunderConservation Laws, Interfaces, and MixingMathematics of Physiological RhythmsInternational Workshop on Spatial StatisticsInfluencing Public Health Policy with Data-informed Mathematical Models of Infectious DiseasesErgodic Theory, Diophantine Approximation and Related TopicsAperiodic Order Meets Number TheoryAustralian-German Workshop on Differential Geometry in the LargeTopology of Manifolds: Interactions Between High and Low DimensionsGeometric and Categorical Representation TheoryFunctional Data Analysis and BeyondMathsCraft: Session Leader WorkshopRecent Trends on Nonlinear PDEs of Elliptic and Parabolic TypeDynamics, Foliations, and Geometry in Dimension 3Spatio-Temporal Stochastic Systems in BiologyVirtual tissues: progress and challenges in Multicellular Systems BiologyOn the Frontiers of High Dimensional ComputationAlgebraic Geometry, Approximation and OptimisationNon-Equilibrium Systems and Special FunctionsGeometric R-Matrices: From Geometry to ProbabilityMathematics of RiskTutte Centenary RetreatCombinatorics, statistical mechanics, and conformal field theoryElliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order: Celebrating 40 Years of Gilbarg and Trudinger’s BookIntegrability in Low Dimensional Quantum SystemsComputational Inverse ProblemsHypergeometric motives and Calabi-Yau differential equationsDoing maths like a research mathematicianInteractions between topological recursion...Refining C*- Algebraic Invariants for Dynamics Using KK TheoryResearch summary*Please describe your research and collaborations at MATRIXProgram Structure and Content*Please comment on the structure and content of your programAcknowledgment We appreciate a mention in the acknowledgment of your publication. For example: We thank the mathematical research institute MATRIX in Australia where part of this research was performed. Survey Please complete our survey so that we can can improve our servicesAre you likely to accept another invitation Yes, if I have no other commitments Maybe No Was your accommodation satisfactory? Yes It was okay No Which accommodation building did you stay in?*Additional comments on accommodation:Rate the organisation from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent), you can add specific comments in the box below.Please comment on any aspect (positive or negative) of the program or the organisation that might help us improve the experience at MATRIX.If you would like to receive response from MATRIX, please leave your name and email address below.CAPTCHAPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.