It has been wonderful to see so many new and different faces at the vibrant recent MATRIX research programs. Intensive and in-person research interactions create lasting impact in mathematical sciences research. This short video will give you a good impression of the breadth and diversity at MATRIX, please share it within your networks.

I encourage you to find out what the MATRIX-Simons funding opportunities have to offer to support your next research program. Keep in mind that MATRIX depends on, and serves the mathematical sciences community. Your support is key to our joint success.
A large and supportive community is essential for the success of national mathematical sciences research infrastructure such as MATRIX.
We are deeply grateful for your ongoing support. A tax-deductible contribution is crucial to create opportunities for the mathematical sciences community.
Prof. Jan de Gier
Director, MATRIX
Supporting Note:
To make a donation to MATRIX, please visit, or for more information about giving to MATRIX through a donation or bequest, please contact:
Mrs Luna Liu
Engagement and Development Officer, MATRIX