Women in Geometry, Analysis and Topology

David Wood

  •  15 Nov 2021 - 19 Nov 2021
     8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Organisers: Julie Clutterbuck (Monash University), Melissa Tacy (The University of Auckland), Vanessa Robins (The Australian National Unviersity)

Program Description:
This research program is a week-long meeting to foster new local collaborations, deepen existing ones, and above all create a space for women to get research done. The research themes are very broad, ranging from analysis, geometry, and topology. We anticipate that substantial progress will be made on open questions.

Program Structure:

We have set up our research program to maximise time spent in collaboration.

On Monday and Tuesday we have scheduled introductory talks where each of the groups can introduce their area and aims to the other participants.

For Wednesday and Thursday mornings we have scheduled time for heuristic talks. We intend these talks to be short, 10-15 minutes, where the speaker introduces a single heuristic idea from their area and discusses its use.

Research projects include:

  • High frequency harmonic analysis
  • Quasiconcavity for elliptic equations on manifolds
  • Computational topology
  • Welded tangles
  • Dynamical systems and symmetry groups

Participant list:
Julie Clutterbuck (Monash University)
Valentina Wheeler (University of Wollongong)
Zsuzsanna Dancso (University of Sydney)
Marcy Robertson (University of Melbourne)
Tamara Hogan (University of Melbourne / University of Sydney)
Olivia Borghi (University of Melbourne)
Sophie Raynor (Macquarie University)


MATRIX Wine and Cheese Afternoon 16 November 2021
On the first Tuesday of each research program, MATRIX provides a pre-dinner wine and cheese afternoon. Produce is locally-sourced to showcase delicacies from the region.