MATRIX-Simons Young Scholar Program Guidelines

MATRIX invites talented early career researchers to participate in MATRIX research programs to support research career advancement and develop collaborations. Early career researchers from the Asia-Pacific region are particularly encouraged to apply.

MATRIX-Simons Young Scholars will co-organise and participate in a MATRIX research program, enabling them to interact with MATRIX-Simons Fellows and/or other leading researchers from around the world. The Scholars will also make an extended visit to an Australian university on a collaborative project, write a brief scientific report and publish work in the MATRIX Annals.

The scholarship will provide a return airfare (up to AUD3,100), housing (up to AUD2,100) and a stipend of AUD1,050 for living expenses for a two-week visit to MATRIX and to support travel costs associated with a visit to an Australian university.


Applications are limited to applicants who will participate in a MATRIX research program that includes program organisers from one or more MATRIX full partners.

To be eligible applicants must be an early career researcher employed at a research institution and within 10 years of PhD award at the time of application submission, where periods of career interruption (for carer responsibilities or relocation) will be considered.

Applicants will co-organise and participate in a MATRIX research program.

Applicants must hold a PhD degree in the mathematical sciences, or equivalent, and have an excellent research track record relative to opportunity.

 Application process

Applications for the MATRIX-Simons Young Scholar Program close for each Research Program six months prior to commencement. Late applications may be considered by exception and at request.

MATRIX-Simons Young Scholars will be selected based on excellence of the applicant’s track record and alignment with the MATRIX research program, with consideration given to gender and geographic diversity.

The application must include an outline of the applicant’s research interests in relation to the specific MATRIX research program they are (co-)organising and a C.V. with publication list and two letters of reference.

Applications will be assessed by the MATRIX Scientific Committee.

The MATRIX Office will advise applicants on the outcome of their application.

Reporting Requirements

MATRIX-Simons Young Scholars will be asked to write a brief scientific report at the conclusion of their visit and contribute to the MATRIX Annals.

MATRIX Contact
If you have any questions, please contact:

Mr Tom Keegan
Executive Officer
T: +61 3 8344 1343