20 Feb 2023 - 3 Mar 2023
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Jonathan Bowden (University of Regensburg)
Sergio Fenley (Florida State University)
Andy Hammerlindl (Monash University)
Rafael Potrie (Universidad de la República)
Jessica Purcell (Monash University)
Program Description:
This 2-week workshop will focus on topics bridging the areas of dynamics, geometry, and topology. It will feature mini-courses on these topics as well as several lectures, but a large amount of the time will be devoted to informal discussions. The planned mini-courses are:
* Tali Pinsky – Geometry and topology of knot and link complements arising from dynamics
* Mario Shannon – Surgeries on Anosov flows and affine structures in surfaces
* Jana Rodriguez Hertz – Minimality of expanding foliations
The mini-course of Jana Rodriguez Hertz will be hosted remotely from Shenzhen, China, by videoconference
Related program: https://www.matrix-inst.org.au/events/dynamics-foliations-and-geometry-ii/
Program Structure:
Click here to view the recording of the talks
Participant List:
Andy Hammerlindl (Monash University)
Jessica Purcell (Monash University)
Jonathan Bowden (University of Regensburg)
Sergio Fenley (Florida State University)
Tali Pinsky (The Technion – Israel Institute of Technology)
Mario Shannon (Penn State University)
Warwick Tucker (Monash University)
Andrew Cook (Monash University)
Andrew Tyler (Monash University)
Natalia McAlister (Monash University)
Thiago de Paiva (Monash University)
Holger Dullin (University of Sydney)
Ioannis Iakovoglou (University of Bourgogne)
Dana C’Julio (University of Auckland)
Theo Marty (Max-Planck-Institut for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany)
Andres Rodriguez Migueles (LMU Munich)
Alex He (University of Queensland)
MATRIX Wine and Cheese Afternoon 21 February 2023
On the first Tuesday of each program, MATRIX provides a pre-dinner wine and cheese afternoon. Produce is locally-sourced to showcase delicacies from the region.