Dynamics, Foliations, and Geometry II

David Wood

  •  31 Jan 2022 - 9 Feb 2022
     8:00 am - 3:30 pm

Jonathan Bowden (University of Regensburg)
Sergio Fenley (Florida State University)
Andy Hammerlindl (Monash University)
Rafael Potrie (Universidad de la República)
Jessica Purcell (Monash University)

Program Description: 

This research program will bring together leading experts in the fields of dynamics, foliation theory, and geometry to study the interactions between these fields. This program will continue on successful avenues of research explored in a previous MATRIX workshop held in September 2018 on the same theme. Since then, these areas of research have been shaped by many recent results, and this new event will build off of the development in these highly active fields. In particular, whereas the previous event had an explicit focus on three-dimensional dynamics and geometry, many interesting examples have recently appeared in a higher dimensions, and a major focus of this event will be towards extending the theory known in low-dimensions to apply to these higher dimensional settings.

Another focus will be the application of knot theory in exploring the structure of periodic orbits which occur in highly chaotic dynamical system. This application of knot theory to dynamics is currently under-developed and we aim to bring together experts from both fields to make further progress. A closely related topic is the study of surgery on the periodic orbits of Anosov flows. Recent years have seen major progress on understanding the exact nature of this surgery. A complete understanding of the structure of Anosov flows in dimension 3 is tantalizingly close, and through this event, we can bring together the necessary experts in both dynamics and topology to make significant progress on this problem.

The program will feature mini-courses on “Branching foliation theory” and “Surgery for Anosov flows” as well as talks by experts in the field on recent advances, but the majority of the time will be given to collaboration and informal discussion among a unique group of world-class researchers in dynamics, geometry, and topology.

The event will have in-person hubs at both MATRIX, Creswick, Australia and Regensburg, Germany. Talks presented at the hubs will also be hosted on Zoom and have video recordings posted in order to allow virtual attendance.

Program Structure: 
The time listed are all Melbourne time, AEDT (UTC/GMT +11 hours)
Please click on the images below.

Click here for the Abstracts of the Mini Courses

Click here for Andy Hammerlindl – Branching Foliations Mini-Course Cheat Sheet

The schedule and abstracts for the Regensburg-based talks are available at

Click here to view the recording of the talks

Please click on each of the images below.

In-person Participant list: 
Andy Hammerlindl (Monash University)
Jessica Purcell (Monash University)
Warwick Tucker (Monash University)
Layne Hall (Monash University)
Andrés Bonilla (Monash University)
Andrew Cook (Monash University)
Thiago de Paiva Souza (Monash University)
Em Thompson (Monash University)
Urs Fuchs (Monash University)
Grace Shanti Garden (University of Sydney)
Holger Dullin (University of Sydney)
Connie Hui (Monash University)


MATRIX Wine and Cheese Afternoon 1 February 2022
On the first Tuesday of each program, MATRIX provides a pre-dinner wine and cheese afternoon. Produce is locally-sourced to showcase delicacies from the region.
