17 Jan 2022 - 28 Jan 2022
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Johanna Knapp (University of Melbourne)
Jock McOrist (University of New England)
Gabriele Tartaglino-Mazzucchelli (University of Queensland)
Emanuel Scheidegger (Peking University)
Program Description:
This program aims to bring together leading international and Australian experts in string theory and related mathematics with the goal of exchanging ideas, results and launching new collaborations.
The research focus is on two-dimensional supersymmetric field theories that are related to string theory and mathematics. Key topics will centre on new developments in (2,2) and (0,2) supersymmetric theories and their connections to heterotic strings and quantum corrected supergravity, Calabi-Yau manifolds and vector bundles, AdS/CFT, generalised complex geometry, 2D conformal field theories and their T-Tbar deformations.
The program will consist of two parts. The first week is primarily research oriented with sessions of overview talks on the subject areas of the program and plenty of time for discussions and research activities. The second week will be a research conference titled “2D supersymmetric theories and related topics” .
Program Structure:
The time listed are all Melbourne time, AEDT (UTC/GMT +11 hours)
Please click on the images below.
Click here for talk titles and abstracts
Click here to view the recording of the talks
Talk Slides – Week 1
Daniel Grumiller: Introduction to 2d gravity
Kentaro Hori: Introduction to 2d (2,2) supersymmetric gauged linear sigma models
Jock McOrist: An introduction to String compactifications
Ulf Lindström: Supersymmetry and Complex Geometry
Christian Ferko: T Tbar and Supercurrent-Squared
Talk Slides – Week 2
Jean-Emile Bourgine: Vortex partition function of 2D N=(2,2) Super Yang-Mills theories and quantum groups.
Daniele Bielli: Super Non-Abelian T-Duality
Hongliang Jiang: Infinite symmetries and Ward identities in celestial CFT
Alessandro Sfondrini: A Gentle Introduction to the AdS3/CFT2 Mirror TBA
Andrea Dei: String correlators on AdS3
Christian Ferko: Holography and Irrelevant Operators
Rikard von Unge: TTbar and nonlinearly realized symmetries
Eric Sharpe: An Introduction to decomposition
Kentaro Hori: Grade restriction rule and applications
Mauricio Romo: GLSM, Homological projective duality and nc resolutions
Xenia de la Ossa: Black holes, periods and arithmetic of Calabi-Yau manifolds
Christopher Raymond: Logarithmic N=2 superconformal minimal models
Savdeep Sethi: Toward a construction of non-classical string solutions
Daniel Grumiller: Generalized dilaton gravity in 2d
Eirik Eik Svanes: Heterotic Moduli without Field Redefinitions
Kaiwen Sun: Twisted elliptic genera
Wei Gu: On phases of 3d N=2 Chern-Simons matters theories