4 Feb 2019 - 8 Feb 2019
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Organisers: Owen Dearricott ( University of Melbourne), Diarmuid Crowley (University of Melbourne), Thomas Leistner (University of Adelaide), Yuri Nikolayevsky (LaTrobe University), Wilderich Tuschmann (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology).
Program Description:
In this week long international conference we plan to highlight recent advances in global Riemannian and metric geometry, topology, and geometric analysis to foster communication between experts and early career researchers from Australia and abroad and identify directions to set the stage for future advances. In particular, we plan to have a problem session towards the end of the conference that will emphasise known problems in the field, but will go beyond to zero in upon new problems emerging from our discussions during the workshop. This will be beneficial to young mathematicians wanting a comprehensive overview and keep abreast of up to the minute developments and open problems.
Keynote Speakers:
Ben Andrews, Australian National University
Christoph Boehm, University of Muenster
Robert Bryant, Duke University
Fuquan Fang, Capital Normal University
Thomas Farrell, Tsinghua University
Rod Gover, University of Auckland
Karsten Grove, University of Notre Dame
Frances Kirwan, University of Oxford
Claude LeBrun, Stony Brook University
Peter Petersen, University of California Los Angeles
Neil Trudinger, Australian National University
Guofang Wei, University of California Santa Barbara
Burkhard Wilking, University of Muenster
Program Details and Materials:
Below is the draft of Program Structure. Please click to enlarge.
Note: actual times may differ slightly and things may change as the workshop approaches
For presentation slides of talks, please click on the names below:
Xianzhe Dai
Sebastian Goette
Rod Gover
Frances Kirwan
Klaus Kröncke
Claude LeBrun
Vladimir Matveev
Guofang Wei
Valentina Wheeler
Fred Wilhelm
Participant List
Diarmuid Crowley (University of Melbourne)
Owen Dearricott (University of Melbourne)
Thomas Leistner (University of Adelaide)
Wilderich Tuschmann (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Yuri Nikolayevsky (La Trobe University)
Ben Andrews (Australian National University)
Burkhard Wilking (University of Muenster)
Christoph Böhm (University of Muenster)
Claude LeBrun (Stony Brook University)
Thomas Farrell (YMSC and Deptartment of Mathematics, Tsinghua University)
Frances Kirwan (Oxford University)
Fuquan Fang (Capital Normal University)
Guofang Wei (University of California Santa Barbara)
Neil Trudinger (Australian National University)
Peter Petersen (University of California Los Angeles)
Robert Bryant (Duke University)
Rod Gover (University of Auckland)
Ramiro Lafuente (University of Queensland)
Karsten Grove (University of Notre Dame)
Sebastian Goette (Universität Freiburg)
Lashi Bandara (Universtity of Potsdam)
Katharina Neusser (Masaryk University)
Artem Pulemotov (University of Queensland)
Jesse Gell-Redman (University of Melbourne)
Lee Kennard (Syracuse University)
Haotian Wu (University of Sydney)
Paul Bryan (Macquarie University)
Julian Scheuer (University of Freiburg)
Krishnan Shankar (University of Oklahoma, National Science Foundation)
Xianzhe Dai (University of California Santa Barbara)
Fernando Galaz-Garcia (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Valentina Wheeler (University of Wollongong)
Julie Clutterbuck (Monash University)
Martin Kerin (University of Muenster)
Fred Wilhelm (University of California Riverside)
Catherine Searle (Wichita State University)
Mathew Langford (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
Uwe Semmelmann (University of Stuttgart)
Joseph Wolf (University of California Berkeley)
Tracy Payne (Idaho State University)
Boris Vertman (University of Oldenburg)
Pedro Solarzano (UNAM-CONACYT Oaxaca)
Jim Davis (Indiana University)
Lorenz Schwachhoefer (TU Dortmund)
Stephan Klaus (MFO Oberwolfach/University of Mainz)
Klaus Kröncke (University of Hamburg)
Matthias Ludewig (University of Adelaide)
Vicente Cortes (University of Hamburg)
Vladimir Matveev (University of Jena)
Charles Boyer (University of New Mexico)
Vincent Pencastaing (University of Luxembourg)
Fernando CORTES KUEHNAST (TU Berlin )
William Campbell Wylie (Syracuse University)
Franziska Beitz (WWU Münster)
James McCoy (University of Newcastle)
Megan Kerr (Wellesley College)
Adam Moreno (University of Notre Dame)
Anusha Krishnan (University of Pennsylvania)
Curtis Porter (North Carolina State University)
Romina Arroyo (University of Queensland)
Gerd Schmalz (University of New England)
Changwei Xiong (Australian National University)
Xianfeng Wang (Australian National University)
Yuhan Wu (University of Wollongong)
Brett Parker (Monash University)
Jian He (Monash University)
Public registrations
– Full Fee $125
– $100 with AustMS membership
– $90 for people from an AMSI institution
– $80 for students from AMSI institutions or students or retirees with AustMS membership
On-site catering (breakfast, lunch and dinner; and the wine & cheese evening (held on Tuesday), will be offered on-site; however participants also have the option of venturing into Creswick town for their meals or can bring their own.
If you would like to access on-site catering, please indicate this upon registration.
Registration deadline: 2 January 2019 (or earlier if capacity is reached)
For Full-Fee participants, please click here.
For Concession participant (AustMS and AMSI members), please click here.
The conference will be held at MATRIX facilities in Creswick.
4 Water Street, Creswick VIC 3363
For more information on how to get there and accommodation availability, please click here.
Australian-German Workshop on Differential Geometry in the Large Date 11- 15 February 2019
MATRIX Wine and Cheese Afternoon 5 February 2019
On the first Tuesday of each program, MATRIX provides a pre-dinner wine and cheese afternoon. Produce is locally-sourced to showcase delicacies from the region.