2021-22 MATRIX Annals
The 2021-22 MATRIX Annals, the fifth book in the MATRIX Book Series, documents scientific activities at MATRIX in 2021-2022. Pre-publication versions of the articles in the book are posted below.
We expect that the 2021–22 MATRIX Annals will be indexed by zbmath and mathscinet.
MATRIX-MFO Workshops
Rough Wave Equations
Integrable Probability, Combinatorics and Representation Theory
MATRIX Programs
Refereed Articles
MATRIX-MFO Tandem Workshop: Invariants and Structures in Low-Dimensional Topology
J. Hyam Rubinstein, Jonathan Spreer, Stephan Tillmann
A new family of minimal ideal triangulations of cusped hyperbolic 3-manifolds
MATRIX Program: Groups and Geometries
Alex Elzenaar, Gaven Martin, Jeroen Schillewaert
Concrete one complex dimensional moduli spaces of hyperbolic manifolds and orbifolds: Kleinian groups and the generalised Riley slices
MATRIX Program: Quantum Curves, Integrability and Cluster Algebras
Kowshik Bettadapura
First properties of supermanifolds, their functor of points and the DeWitt topology
MATRIX Program: 2D Supersymmetric Theories and Related Topics
Daniele Bielli
On Super Non-Abelian T-Duality of Symmetric and Semi-Symmetric Coset Sigma Models
Kaiwen Sun
On Twisted Elliptic Genera
Daniel Grumiller, Martin Laihartinger, Romain Ruzziconi
Minkowski and (A)dS ground states in general 2d dilaton gravity
Ulf Lindström
2d Sigma Models and Geometry
Eric Sharpe
An introduction to decomposition
MATRIX Program: Structural Graph Theory Downunder II
Rutger Campbell, Katie Clinch, Marc Distel, J. Pascal Gollin, Kevin Hendrey, Robert Hickingbotham, Tony Huynh, Freddie Illingworth, Youri Tamitegama, Jane Tan, David R. Wood
Product Structure of Graph Classes with Bounded Treewidth
Katie Clinch, Jackson Goerner, Tony Huynh, Freddie Illingworth
Notes on Aharoni’s rainbow cycle conjecture
Marc Distel, David R. Wood
Tree-Partitions with Bounded Degree Trees
Robert Hickingbotham, Freddie Illingworth, Bojan Mohar, David R. Wood
Treewidth, Circle Graphs and Circular Drawings
MATRIX Program: Hyperbolic Differential Equations in Geometry and Physics
Arick Shao
Bulk-boundary correspondences and unique continuation in asymptotically Anti-de Sitter spacetimes
Dean Baskin, Kiril Datchev
Propagation of Singularities for the Wave Equation
MATRIX Program: Mathematics of Tissue Dynamics
Ishraq U. Ahmed, Jennifer A. Flegg, Claire Miller, Ricardo Ruiz-Baier, Joshua Won, Adriana Zanca
Multiphase models for moving boundary problems in biology
MATRIX Program: Mathematics of the Interactions between Brain Structure and Brain Functions
Alex Hocking, Kerri Morgan, Nicholas Parsons, Govinda Poudel, Sergiy Shelyag, Julien Ugon
Mathematical Foundations for Measurement of Communication Efficiency in the Human Brain
Nadezda Sukhorukova, Liam Kelly
k -Means clustering in EEG (brain waves) timeseries
MATRIX Program: Mathematics of Risk 2022
P. G. Morrison
Asian Option Pricing via Laguerre Quadrature: A Diffusion Kernel Approach
Jie Yen Fan, Fima C. Klebaner
On Dupire Formula and Diffusion with Given Marginals
Peilun He, Nino Kordzakhia, Gareth W. Peters, Pavel V. Shevchenko
Multi-Factor Polynomial Diffusion Models and Inter-Temporal Futures Dynamics
source code on github
Jun S. Han, Nino Kordzakhia, Pavel V. Shevchenko, Stefan Trück
On Autoregressive Measurement Errors in a Two-Factor Model
source code on github
Vincent Liang, Konstantin Borovkov
On extension of the Markov chain approximation method for computing Feynman-Kac type expectations
Ying He, Konstantin Borovkov
On ruin probabilities in a Sparre Andersen type model in the presence of risky investments and random switching
Noufel Frikha, Arturo Kohatsu-Higa
On some asymptotic expansions of skew diffusions
A.E. Brockwell
Fractional Growth Portfolio Investment
José-Luis Pérez, Kazutoshi Yamazaki
Lévy bandits under Poissonian decision times
Bo Li, Xiaowen Zhou
Entrance laws for continuous-state nonlinear branching processes coming down from infinity
Hansjoerg Albrecher, Oscar Peralta
The matrix sequential probability ratio test and multivariate ruin theory
Vladimira Seckarova, Kamil Dedecius
Bayesian Parameter Estimation for Poisson AR Model
Denis Belomestny, Frank van der Meulen, Peter Spreij
Nonparametric Bayesian inference for stochastic processes with piecewise constant priors
Alexander G Tartakovsky, Valentin Spivak
Quickest Changepoint Detection in General Multistream Stochastic Models: Recent Results, Applications and Future Challenges
IBS-CGP & MATRIX Workshop: Symplectic Topology
Yong-Geun Oh, Taesu Kim
Analysis of pseudoholomorphic curves on symplectization: Revisit via contact instantons
Ke Zhu
High-jet Relations of the Heat Kernel: Embedding Map and Applications
Other Contributed Articles
MATRIX-MFO Tandem Workshop: Invariants and Structures in Low-Dimensional Topology
Stefan Friedl, Julian Hannes
Pachner’s Theorem
MATRIX Program: 2D Supersymmetric Theories and Related Topics
Wei Gu
Vacuum Structures Revisited
MATRIX Program: Theory and Applications of Stable Polynomials
Jacob P. Matherne
A large class of conjecturally stable chromatic symmetric functions
Jidong Wang
A problem about virtual polytopes
James Saunderson
A conjecture on spectral sparsification with respect to hyperbolicity cones
Xavier Coulter, Norman Do, Ellena Moskovsky
Topological Narayana polynomials and interlacing conjectures